So a buddy of mine, Charlie Glisan, was having issues installing Bugzilla on Fedora 11 and CentOS 5 a while back. After hours of strife, and finally getting the software up and running, he decided he would write detailed instructions on how to accomplish the install. He doesn’t have a blog himself and thought that it might be helpful to others out there that are trying to accomplish the same goal to have the instructions available, so he asked if I would like to post the instructions on my blog.
I am always a fan of finding helpful information out on the interwebs, so I am posting his instructions, verbatim, in hopes that they are helpful to a few struggling souls. If you have any questions, or find errors, please post them in the comments below and we will try to get to them as quickly as possible.
Installing Bugzilla on Fedora 11 & CentOS 5
Log in as root or su:
$ su
(enter root password)
For CentOS only, add the EPEL repository (which contains Bugzilla):
$ rpm -Uvh
Install Bugzilla:
$ yum install bugzilla
Install MySQL:
$ yum install mysql-server
Install Apache:
$ yum install httpd
Start the the MySQL service:
$ /etc/init.d/mysqld start
Set password for the root user in MySQL:
$ mysqladmin -u root password {password}
Log into MySQL:
$ mysql -u root -p
Create ‘bugs’ user in MySQL:
mysql> CREATE USER 'bugs'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '{password}';
Create ‘bugs’ database in MySQL:
mysql> CREATE DATABASE bugs;
Grant privileges to ‘bugs’ user:
mysql> GRANT ALL ON bugs.* TO 'bugs'@'localhost';
Run to check modules and to create a new copy of localconfig:
$ /usr/share/bugzilla/./
Edit your copy of localconfg - change $db_pass to the password you entered for the MySQL user ‘bugs’ earlier:
$ gedit /etc/bugzilla/localconfig
$db_pass = '{password}';
Run again to finish setting up Bugzilla:
$ /usr/share/bugzilla/./
When prompted to do so specify the Bugzilla administrator’s email address, name, and password.
Start apache:
$ /etc/init.d/httpd start
Go to http://localhost/bugzilla/ in a browser and behold.
If, upon a reboot, mysqld and/or httpd are not running, you can add them to the list of services that run at startup:
$ ntsysv (Or $ /usr/sbin/ntsysv on CentOS)
Arrow up or down to find mysqld and/or httpd. Hit the space key to select/deselect the service. When done, hit Tab to get to the Ok or Cancel buttons.